mercredi 3 octobre 2007

Cruising continental

I'm not really able to knit - not with my flaming fingers. That didn't stop me from taking the scarf to the hospital today and a good thing I did. My roommate watched me scoot through a row and commented on how I should learn how to knit without dropping my yarn with each stitch. Oh boy here it comes I thought to myself as she left her bed and approached mine. Without even taking the scarf out of my hands she told me what to do and coaxed me through it. The first few stitches were awkward but then it became second nature! And it's sooooooo much easier. I only did the two rows though before my fingers started really hurting. The doc prescribed a new special cream - I hope it helps. *sips some heavenly mandarin white and relaxes back on the couch*

8 commentaires:

Sandra a dit…

WOOHOO! Welcome to the wonderful world of Continental knitting!! I can watch English throwers for days but trying to actually do it myself causes headaches with all that dropping the yarn and picking it up again. ps. the font size looks fine to me.

boeluen a dit…

I actually can't understand why anyone would actually want to knit English - it's a pain and it's so slow. *shakes head*

TheBlackSheep a dit…

Told ya so! :D

Btw, I don't think Pen will see that comment if she doesn't come back to look, like I said in the e-mail, Blogger is woefully deficient in the comment area.

Woot for learning continental!!! *dances*

Good luck with your fingers *sends cream*

Oh, and you like the mandarin then?

TheBlackSheep a dit…

Any better on the comment front?

boeluen a dit…

Yep - I've decided to reply via the other person's blog.... We'll see.

Sandra a dit…

Hello! As Melinda says, Blogger is teh ultimate suck when it comes to replying to comments. Either that or LJ's spoiled us. :p This going back and forth to each other's blogs reminds me of MySpace. *shudders*

*hoorays more for Continental*

Sandra a dit…

The weirdest thing about hopping back and forth between our pages is that it renders our conversations a bit cryptic.

Too right! Oooh, mysterious .....


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