mardi 2 octobre 2007

Swiss needle tea

Sounds like a new blend and it is of sorts! Froggy brought in the post this evening and handed me a nice big padded envelope full of goodies. I had to wash the oil off my hands before opening it. 100% pure woot-squee-woot! Thank you muchly Theblacksheep! xoxo

What a beautiful card. The needles are really cool - I've never seen anything quite like them before. They remind me of the old-fashioned toys we played with as kids - in wood quality and colour that is. And well the Mandarin white: woot-squee-woot! We can't get that here, well not at my local that's for sure. I'll enjoy a cuppa when I get home from the hospital tomorrow afternoon. For now I'm going to stop touching the keyboard and call it a night. (The jojoba oil helps a lot but it's impossible to do anything with it on - even scratching one's nose is a pain.)

4 commentaires:

TheBlackSheep a dit…

Hee hee! I was just wondering this morning if you were going to get that today. :D

Hope you enjoy it all. (I did love those needles, btw, and would certainly work with them again, if I ever lost my preference for the flexible cables of the circulars.

Speaking of which, I ran into a Ravelry forum today which discusses the circular sets. Basically everyone says the same: Knit Picks Options are the way to go. So if you continue with knitting, I would consider it in the future.

TheBlackSheep a dit…

Oh yes, and is it my computer or is your font really that small? It's a bit difficult to read. - Um, Just for your info, not meant as criticism

boeluen a dit…
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boeluen a dit…

The tea is gorgeous! This needles are really cool (though I haven't started the blanket on them yet). I'll have to wait for my fingers to cool off a bit first.

I'm definitely going to get some circulars - maybe for Christmas. *grins*

Re. Font - that's strange. Froggy looked on his computer and he said he actually finds the font quite big (our computer screens are different sizes/have different resolutions). I'll check the html. Is it all the fonts or just the entries or just the comments?